Thursday, July 8, 2010

Foot infection is a huge economic and social burden for patients with diabetes. Infection usually is a consequence rather than the cause of foot ulcers in diabetic patients. Infection is a clinically diagnosis and can be categorized as mild cellulitis, moderate to severe cellulitis and osteomyelitis. Infected foot ulcers require appropriate tissue and bone cultures to guide antibiotic therapy whereas uninfected ulcers do not require antibiotics. Duration of treatment varies from 2 to 6 weeks based on the severity of infection, along with surgical debridement. Prevention of foot ulcer and infection requires patient education, detection of neuropathy, glycemic control, and proper foot care with foot hygiene and appropriate footwear. The patient is an important member of the team and should be taught the importance of self examination and early reporting of foot problems.
To get Dr. Vail's new book: Diabetes and your Feet: Steps to an Easier Life, Click the link below:

A great product for Neuropathy is 'Neuremedy'. Many neuropathy sufferers experience dramatic relief from their symptoms within a month after trying Neuremedy. It is not unusual to notice improvement within a few days. Click link below to purchase:Many neuropathy sufferers experience dramatic relief from their symptoms within a month after trying Neuremedy. It is not unusual to notice improvement within a few days.

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